Thursday 30 April 2009

Nanna's sausage rolls set the smoke alarms off this morning, which in turn set Reg the Jack Russell off.
Being veggies, of course, they're not really sausage rolls at all, but Nanna makes them and gives us a bag now and then.

There's swine flu in Paignton, and the world's press are here. All the satellite vans were parked in the zoo overflow last night. I was hoping Reg would have the opportunity to cock his leg on the Sky TV news-o-drome but by the time we went out for a walk this morning they had vanished in the night leaving not a trace, seeking something else with which to fill their endless hours of rolling news.
There's a great advert for the youth of Paignton at around the one-minute mark in this video clip from BBC News. Fair play to him, though. It's a good gag.

10cc were good last night, very good. What it must be like to be able to sing and play like that...

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