Tuesday 30 March 2010

Return of the blog

It is high time the blog made a comeback.
After all, if Maddie Grigg can pick up the reins again after going halfway round the world, I really should make the effort.
Tonight the spring has brought gusts of wind tugging at the velux windows again and splatters of raindrops the size of 2p coins.
It is good to be indoors, warm and full of pasta and coffee after a training session in which the Hocking brothers ran me ragged. I got moved up from the remedial group into the big boys' group for the second part of the session.
I asked Coach Alan if it was promotion or punishment, and he just smiled. My legs were like jelly come the end.
I have so much to do. The regatta programme is still unwritten, the England Athletics affiliations will have to be done on Thursday when April 1 signals the start of the new membership year, and I need to start writing some quiz questions.
Then there is a playlist to put together for Friday night on the wireless. Click the link to listen.
Tonight the gas bill arrived by email. Getting it electronically doesn't make it any less painful.